
Friday, 25 June 2021

Wk 8 Mahy Group Writing

 name is Tevita and I am 11 years old and I have 2 sisters and I have 2 brothers and I have 44 cousins! My Culture is Tongan I was born in Tonga.  I like to play games but when my  mum calls me I run straight to her.  I am really good at helping people. I help my mum by doing the dishes and vacuuming. I clean up the girls room while my brothers clean up the boys room. It makes my mum happy when I help and it makes me feel good to be helpful.

 I want to be a  youtuber when I grow up. I want to play games and talk about the games and get lots of subscribers. I will be rich and famous. I will live in America in a mansion with a pool.

I am good at helping people and my mum and my dad I help my dad by doing his chores. My dad works hard and works long hours so make his bed and fold his washing so when he comes home he can relax. I like to play fetch with the dog and my dad.

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